Monday, April 27, 2009

new camera...

new camera, means lots of random pictures! Hope you enjoy!

Henry is a bit dramatic!

Jack the little monkey.

Jack's bike from Bapa for Christmas...finally made it out of the basement! We love the handle!

I have some funny stories to tell...but we have a small issue with water in our basement so once I get that under control I'll try to write more! I was just telling a friend this morning that I was going to Spring Clean one room at a time and go through the entire house...but I was going to do the basement last! Agh...
Have a great week!


Erin said...

Beautiful pictures!

Good luck with the water situation. Yuck.

April said...

I love your pics, Aim! I can't believe how much Henry has grown-- Gosh I miss those boys!!
Hope the water stuff got figured out.
Love you!