Saturday, September 27, 2008


On Friday we spent the morning at the Blank Children's Health Center in Des Moines with a Pediatric Pumologist, to find out that Jack has asthma (which is what we were thinking) and he also has reflux, which goes hand in hand with asthma. What does this mean for us? Well, we have to keep a close diary for the next 60 days of when he coughs, etc and try to re-arrange some medications. We go back right before Thanksgiving and the goal is to try to figure out if he has consistent asthma or intermittent asthma and the best form of treatment depending on the type. I guess 10-15% of the general public have asthma, so it's not too uncommon.

We finished up the day with an hour trip to the pharmacy (just mom and Jack...and yes, I gave in and got him a sucker!) They of course had to educate us on all the meds and check with insurance, etc. Fun, fun, fun!

1 comment:

Houseofmills said...

that's a bummer that he has asthma. At least you found out sooner then later.