Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27th

I just don't even like the sound of that date. 5 years, has it really been that long? Sometimes it seems like it was just 5 months ago and sometimes it seems like forever. As I sit here and type this out (which I needed to do, so sorry if it's rambling) I am still sad. Sometimes I just can't even believe they are gone. People often ask if it's gotten easier, well I wouldn't say easier but I would say different. Things are different, life is different. I miss them terribly when people are off doing fun things with their mom or sister(s)...I think about what kinds of things the three of us would be doing, or our entire family for that matter. (Don't get me wrong...I have amazing, wonderful friends who are more like sisters, and an Aunt who is more like my mom than an Aunt...for all of them I am very thankful.)

The boys, would have loved them to pieces and they would have loved my boys. It does still sadden me that they will never meet them here on this earth. I never chose my life to be like this, and when I was younger and thinking about life this was never a part of my story. Sorry to make this sound sad and depressing, I'm really doing okay.

I love you and miss you like crazy, Mom and Lindi!!


April said...

I'm so, so sorry Amy. There are really no words...

I love you!

Tifany said...

Thinking of you today Amy, and of your mom and Lindi.

Erin said...

Love you, Amy.

Libby Design said...

Oh Amy, I'm crying after reading that. I remember when we got the call about your Mom & Sister. I felt absolutely SICK about it and immediately burst in to tears...I can't even imagine how you must have felt. I'm so thankful God has put people in your life to help fill up some of the void that was left when you lost your Mom & Lindi! We love you guys!!

Vanillabeanseed said...

So sorry to hear about your loss. Guess this isnt the best time but im looking for blogs to follow and i think you might be a good one. hope to read more and happier posts in the future! :]