Monday, June 16, 2008

beautiful wedding!

Jack and I made it back to Cook with the help from my dad, who drove the entire way! My job was to take care of Jack....he was such a trooper we made it from our house to North Branch without getting out of the car. That's about 5 hours! Then we made it from North Branch home without getting out of the car, another 3 hours. We did bribe him with a shake from McDonalds in Virginia.

It was great to be home and see friends and hang out at my dad's house. Jack of course loved all the basketballs and everything around the house.

It was yucky weather everyday we were there except the wedding! It was a perfect day for a wedding, not too hot and not too cold. It was so much fun! April was a beautiful bride! Here are some pictures of the event, sorry I don't have too many fun ones.

Of course the trip to Cook wouldn't be complete without a little Moosebirds ice cream! YUM! It was Jack's first ice cream cone from Moosebirds (yes, it's blog worthy!)

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