Saturday, December 15, 2007

8 things about me...

This is from being "tagged" by Erin and April a couple weeks ago! Here are 8 things about myself. Enjoy!

1. When I was in 2nd grade I lost by cabbage patch moon boot in the snowbank at April and Erin's house and their dad (Mr.Patient) had to come rescue the boot with a ski pole.
2. To go along with the cabbage patch moon boots I also had cabbage patch ear muffs, that were the actual doll heads with hair....nice, huh? I also had a matching backpack.
3. One time in college while shopping at the Thift Shop in Cook my roommate from college (Raku) found my backpack from when I was in 3rd grade. It said, "Back off, I'm a ghostbuster" on it. It also had my name on it and said 3rd grade and then was crossed off and said 4th. Yes, she did buy it!
4. I have always traveled someplace for Christmas by plane. Most often it was Arizona to visit by dear grandpa. What special memories with all 14 of us staying in a 3 bedroom house.
5. When I was going to babysit (about 14 or so) I was in the car with the mom and she ran over one of our cats. I will never forget what that cat looked like flopping around on the ground.
6. When we lived in the UP of Michigan, I went to grad school in another time zone!
7. I was trained to be a lifeguard for the YMCA, and subbed for 2 summers at the Aquatic Center, I have since retired from that profession.
8. I was stung by a jellyfish while snorkeling in Mexico on our honeymoon...I had to follow some locals and they convinced be to take a couple pills and put some lotion on it. The only problem was I had no idea what they were saying.


Katie said...

I love the 'raku finding your backpack' story! Priceless.

Becky said...

I LOVED reading all your little stories about yourself! You have a wonderful memory and it was a hoot reading all of them! You have such an interesting life!! ;-) (from Becky)

April said...

I can't believe that I didn't know about the babysitter/cat story! I'll need more info on that one...
Plus- cabbage patch ear muffs rock!
Love you

Libby Design said...

Ah yes, the Thrift Store shopping extravaganzas in Cook! Loved those!! You were always guaranteed to find at least one TRUE treasure there. :)

Fun stories!

Erin said...

I love your 8 things, Amy! I wish you still had those cabbage patch ear muffs... though you wouldn't need them in Hawaii next week. Thanks for sharing such fun facts!