Thursday, June 9, 2011


Jack finished preschool this spring. We are so proud of him and how much he loves to learn letters, numbers and try to figure things out. It's really fun to watch him write. He uses his left hand for the first couple letters and then switches to his right hand to finish the word. I should try to get it on video sometime. He does all sports and stuff with his left hand, which is annoying to try and find little kids baseball mitts or golf clubs for left-handed kids!

He loves swimming lessons and has become a great swimmer! Can't wait to see what the summer brings with swimming in the lakes and pools!

Jack loves to play with his superheroes and are often found saving the day in various parts of the house. He has had fun riding his bike this spring, and always wants to be going somewhere. He loves to meet new people and will meet all the kids at the park and know their names before it's time to leave, he must get that from Grandma Nancy! :)

Jack prefers to be in bed by 8:00 and get up early and enjoy the morning. He is usually up with me before I went to school and we would spend some sweet time together while Steve and Henry slept.

He is such a trooper with his asthma/allergy stuff. He takes his meds (even when they taste yucky) without complaining and when he is sick he is so easy going. He loves his doctor and walks in like they are his long lost friends.

He can't wait to head to Minnesota this summer. He often tells me how he has been thinking about Minnesota and the lake, cabin, beach, etc. Me too Jack!

I can't believe he is going to be 5 in September! Amazing!

We love you, Jack!


Sarah said...

we can't wait until you head to minnesota, either!

Joan said...

I might have a left handed glove that would fit him! I am left handed. I will check.