Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"The Story"

Many people have been asking and thinking that I wasn't due until February. So I thought I'd add some more info to our blog. My due date was February 2nd, but as many people might remember from my last pregnancy Jack was 5 weeks early. So I was wondering if I was going to make it to the end or if this baby was going to follow in Jack's footsteps.

Well, I had gone back to teaching after Christmas and made it all week! On Thursday I had my regular weekly appointment and she was concerned because I didn't feel the baby move as much as I had been. I also had some weird pains in my stomach. I was sent over to the hospital to be monitored...everything looked fine, except the weird pain I was experiencing was contractions. They weren't very strong or close together so they said it could be either Braxon Hicks or early labor.

I went home and got up and taught school the next day. We had gone to bed on Friday night thinking nothing of it when I woke up at 10:30 to go to the bathroom and my water broke. It was like I was re-living Jack's birth. Off to the hospital we went. We checked in and got all set up and were suppose to sleep and the doctor would be in to check in the morning. At 7:30 the next morning I was put on Petocin (sp?) to get things started. It was pretty uneventful until the end when he wasn't cooperating. They had to use the vacuum thing and come to find out he was face up and the cord was around his neck. So we are very thankful that he is okay and doing so well.

Henry Richard Stepec was born at 1:33pm weighing 7 pounds 6 1/2 ounces. He was 20 3/4 inches long. I think he would have been a moose if he made it to full term!

We were able to come home on Monday morning in an Iowa blizzard. Saylor and I are officially outnumbered in our house. I better start getting prepared for more basketball games and guitar playing in the years to come!


Thompson's said...

Wow, glad all came out well. He's sooo cute- wouldn't have guessed they had to suck him out!

Can't wait to meet him in person. Enjoy all your boys!

April said...

We are all anxious to meet baby Henry! I've been showing off his pic at school.... he's so perfect. Just think of how BUSY our summer adventures will be now!
Rest up- talk to you later.

Libby Design said...

Thanks for sharing "The Story". I wish I would've had a blog to post my story about our ordeal when Peyton was born...I'm sure I've told it AT LEAST a million times. :) Anyway, so glad everything turned out okay and that your experience with the vacuum turned out better than ours did!! Congrats on your beautiful bunch of boys!!

Erin said...

Glad that you're all safe and sound at home!

Love ya!

April said...

need an update. need an update. need an update. ( with your one spare hand!).

April said...

I thought your goal was to update this thing by Wednesday. You are late.
