I'll try to recap the weekend's events in a post (along with some pictures that I'm having a hard time putting in the right places, so bear with me!)....
Friday after school April and Trisha were here and I met them at the repair shop so April could get her breaks fixed. We then headed out to eat at El Portal which is a local favorite. It was complete with some of good conversation over some amazing cheese dip, and yes we each ate a meal too! We then started to work on the wedding invitations for April.
Saturday morning we went to David's Bridal to get bridesmaid dresses, which are really cute! Then we came back and went out to Applebee's for lunch, did some shopping at WalMart and came home and finished April's wedding invitations! They turned out so cute. I'm impressed with our skills. We also headed out to the Marshalltown Mall and to HyVee for groceries.
We woke up Sunday morning with no one going anywhere because it was a few inches of slush followed with some thick, wet snow and everything was canceled in town. We spent the day eating nachos, watching a movie, playing with Jack, and talking. It was a nice relaxing day. Too bad April and Trisha weren't able to leave town, which I was secretly glad because Steve was stranded in Wisconsin on the Winter Extreme High School trip.
Monday morning we woke with FREEZING temps and glare ice/snow drifts which made for no travel (or school) today! Steve and the youth group made it to Iowa City today and are crashing at Linda and Gary's house. We attempted to play the Wii, watched another movie, chased Jack around the house and by the end of the day we're starting to go a little stir crazy. We're hoping tomorrow the roads will be okay for people to travel on. I'm also hoping that we don't miss any more days of school or it's going to be a quick trip to make it to April's wedding after school gets out.
I will let you know when everyone makes it home safely. I think April and Trisha are hoping they'll get out of Iowa by the 4th of July!